Days 1 & 2
We had a fair amount of chaos getting to Boston (thanks American Airlines flight delays), but eventually made it after a layover in Chicago! We spent the whole of the next day exploring Boston then drove out to Bridgewater Corners, VT. We went to the best little brewery by the river for dinner (that was a whole 1/2 mile from our Airbnb), then finally settled in to rest up for the next day's adventures!

Day 3
A hike up Mt. Ascutney that darn near killed us from humidity - followed by another visit to the brewery, where the only reason we got 2nd in trivia is because Ryan remembers every music fact known to man.

Days 4 & 5
A trip to Sugarbush Farm Maple & Cheese Farm (that had AWESOME) free samples in the morning, before I took Ashlea with me to capture Stephen & Lucy's wedding day & the rest of the crew drove over to New York! We spent the night in Boston, got to the airport at 4am, and STILL barely made our flight.